Count Your Blessings: The Benefits of Gratitude Journaling

With the season of thankfulness approaching, gratitude journaling is one way we can all participate and improve our happiness.  Finding happiness in life, no matter the situation, is important in maintaining contentment.  Despite the challenges you may face, you have reasons to be grateful, including lessons learned, failures and successes.  Gratitude is something we can all achieve.

What is Gratitude Journaling?

Gratitude journaling is the habit of recording and reflecting on things you are grateful for regularly.  You are essentially rewiring your brain to focus on more positive aspects of your life and building up resilience against negative situations.

Benefits of Gratitude Journaling:

  • Increased Happiness:  Grateful people are happier people. They are more satisfied with their lives, less materialistic and less likely to suffer from burnout.  Keeping a journal of all that you are grateful for can increase happiness and improve your overall mood.
  • Improved Physical Health: Gratitude may benefit people with various medical and psychological changes.  Those who are more grateful tend to experience better sleep, less fatigue and experience less depression.
  • Strengthened Relationships: Gratitude journaling may help people find the good in their partner/friend; it also helps remind people of the goodness in their relationships.

A gratitude journal doesn’t need to be fancy or expensive; a simple notebook will work.  The first step is always the hardest, so developing a routine will make it easier.  You just need a few minutes a day. Consistency is the key; just get your thoughts on paper, and that will encourage you to keep going.  Gratitude journaling is all about counting your blessings.

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