Home Health Services
The Road to Recovery Begins at Home
In collaboration with our agency customers, At Home With Aegis provides skilled rehabilitation therapy to patients wherever they call home. Our focus on communication surrounding comprehensive assessment supports care coordination and appropriate utilization based on each individual’s unique needs.

- Helps patients achieve optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction
- Removes the burden of therapy oversight and management
- Increases marketability through collaboration, core programs and strong clinical outcomes
- Provides observation and clinical guidance for therapists through home health leadership

- Comprehensive, individualized treatment plans focused on patient goals
- “Restore, compensate, adapt” approach to care delivery
- Evidence-based practice, which drives successful outcomes
- Focus on condition management empowers the patient and caregiver to move toward greater independence

Aegis Therapies
- Web-based interactive referral, scheduling and documentation platform
- Use of CDCP (clinically driven care plan) to support appropriate utilization, care coordination and improved outcomes through interdisciplinary team approach
- Cobranded, evidence-based core clinical programs available
- Integrated business development supports driving growth
Health and Wellness Is Never Far
With over 1,000 points of service across the country, access to all kinds of life-changing services are always within reach.

Skilled Nursing
Facilities (SNF)
Facilities (SNF)

Home Health


Continuing Care
Retirement Communities
Retirement Communities

Assisted Living/
Independent Living
Independent Living
Big Things Happen When Therapy Goes Home
When patients get to recover in the setting they call home, they're more comfortable and therapy can be custom-tailored to their individual lifestyles for greater success.
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